■ Stream Schedule: Thur 6pm | Fri 7.30pm | Sun 4pm
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■ Twitch Streaming | Progress
■ I started live streaming on Twitch on February 16th | Here is a list of my achievements on the platform so far...
■ 2022
◯ 16/02/2022 | 1st Twitch Stream
◯ 19/02/2022 | 50 Followers
◯ 25/02/2022 | AFFILIATE!
◯ 10/03/2022 | 100 Followers
◯ 01/04/2022 | 150 Followers
◯ 11/04/2022 | 200 Followers
◯ 17/04/2022 | First 100 Subs!
◯ 23/04/2022 | 250 Followers
◯ 07/05/2022 | 300 Followers
◯ 17/06/2022 | 350 Followers
◯ 26/06/2022 | 380 Followers
◯ 16/07/2022 | 400 Followers
◯ 28/10/2022 | 500 followers
◯ 02/11/2022 | 510 Followers
■ 2023
◯ 01/01/2023 | 550 Followers
◯ 07/01/2023 | 570 Followers
◯ 08/01/2023 | 580 Followers
◯ 14/01/2023 | 590 Followers
◯ 19/01/2023 | 600 Followers
◯ 29/01/2023 | 610 Followers
◯ 03/02/2023 | 620 Followers
◯ 11/02/2023 | 630 Followers
◯ 06/04/2023 | 640 Followers
◯ 12/05/2023 | 650 Followers
◯ 22/05/2023 | 660 Followers
◯ 28/05/2023 | 670 Followers
◯ 29/05/2023 | 677 Followers
■ 2024
◯ 07/01/2024 | 877 Followers
◯ 31/03/2024 | 1k Followers!